本研究係探討含水率對耐火被覆材料耐火性能之影響試驗採用低污染性之濕式噴覆工法,爩料則以岩棉為主材料,並以普通卜特蘭水泥及工業用石膏作為粘結材。試體製件完成後分別置於不同環境下養護,並觀察記錄試體含水率變化情形。最後以模擬建築火災標準時間∼溫度曲線之加熱方式進行耐火試驗,依此探討含水率與耐火時效及停滯時間之關係;另外尚進行附著強度試驗、抗壓強度等相關試驗,藉以瞭解被覆材料之含水率與被覆材料力學性質之關係。試驗結果顯示,耐火被覆材料之含水因試體之斷面因素、養護環境及養護齡期而異,且影響耐火性能甚鉅。在高含水率之情況下會造成較 當含水率低於10%時將不具停滯時間。
This study was mainly to inspect the effect of water adsorption on insulstion. In the test, low-polluted wet coating method was adopted, and rock wool was used as the main test material. In addition, portland cement and industrial gypsum were employed as the cementitious material. Specimens were respectively cured in different enviromnints, and the change of water adsorption in specimens weere observed and recorded during curing. Finally, the fire resistance test on the heating of fire standard temperature-timing curve of building was modelled to study the relationship among water adsorption, fire resistance duration and stagnant. Besides, to learn the relationship between water adsorption and mechanical properties of insulation. Test results showed that both the sectional factors of specimens and curing age would affect the water adsorption of insulation. What more important was that the water adsorption of insulation would affect the fire resistance performance agent, and therefoe to make insulation bear longer fire resistance duration. On the contrary, when the water adsorption was lower than 10%, the insulation would bear no stagnant.