


本研究採用冷結造粒方式,生產以蛭石為核種之飛灰輕質耐火材料,並以濕式噴附工法,模擬鋼骨噴附耐火被覆材料後之狀態,製作小尺度試體進行耐火試驗,以探討造粒型飛灰輕質材料,應用於鋼骨結構耐火被覆工程之可行性。研究中,除了使用飛灰輕質材料外,另配合蛭石、同配方未造粒之飛灰輕質材料,及蛭石添加不同比例飛灰等三組,共四個系列三種粘結材比例,計有十二個不同配比的材料組成。全系列均以相同的工作度為條件,將材料噴附於焊有熱電偶線的鋼鈑上,並以CNS12514中所規定之建築物火災標準升溫曲線為加熱條件進行耐火試驗,探討飛灰輕質材料的耐火性能、被覆厚度與耐火時效之關係。另外,亦進行抗壓強度、附著力強度及含水率變化等試驗,以瞭解材料的力學及保水能力等性質。比較各項試驗結果,在耐火時效上,欲達二小時耐火時效所需噴附厚度,造粒型飛灰輕質耐火被覆較蛭石耐火被覆約厚3mm ;但抗壓強度約為蛭石耐火被覆二倍左右,附著強度亦有改善。故將飛灰輕質材料,應用於鋼骨結構耐火被覆工程上,應是可行。


In this study, cold bonding granulating method was used to produce the fly-ash lightweight insulation with vermiculite as the core. In addition, wet spraying method was employed to model the steel bar condition after sprayed with insulation. Small-scaled specimens were progressed the fire resisting test to inspect the availability of appling fly-ash lightweight material to the insulation engineering on structures. In addition to fly-ash lightweight material, vermiculite, non-grabulated fly-ash lightweight material with the same prescription, and vermiculite with fly-ash of different ratio were asopted in this study. There therefore would be four series, three binds of bonding ratio, which were comprosed of twelve binds of materials in different mixing ratios in total. With the same workability, materials were sprayed on the steel sheet torched with thermocouple, and the CNS 12514 specified standard temperature rising cure of buildings on fire was used as heating condition to progress fire resisting test to the relationship among fire resistance, coating thickness and resisting duration. Simultaneously tests on compressive strength, adhensive strength and change in water content were undertaken to learn the mechanics property and water-remaining capability of materials. After every test result was compared, in fire resisting duretion, to achieve the preformance of 2-hours fire resisting duration, the spraying thickness of granulating fly-ash insulation should be thicker than that of vermiculite insulation by about 3mm. however, the compressive strength of it was two greater than that of vermiculite insulation, and adhensive of it was improved, too. Thus, it was available to apply fly-ash lightweight materials to the insulation engineering of steel structures.