本研究針對冷結飛灰輕質骨材混凝土,以標準火場昇溫曲線為驗依據,探討該材料在受溫後之行為,冷結飛灰輕質骨材受溫至 00℃冷卻後,其殘餘強度達到最低,當溫度達1200℃時, 受溫後銧旓l強度達到最高。冷結飛灰輕質骨材混凝土受溫至 200℃冷卻後, 其殘餘強度達麭怜? 溫度達 600℃時, 受溫後其殘餘強度折減最快; 溫度達00℃時,受溫後其殘餘強度損失殆盡。冷結飛灰輕質骨材混凝土和雲q混凝土比較有較優良之抗剝離能力,當強度相若時,其抗火能O亦高於普通混凝土。
To underatand the material behavior under the on ditions similar to the real fire situation, this studyould adopt the standard time temperature curve for test. est results indicated that the residual strength of cold bonding fly ash lightweight aggregate would get to the lowest point after ignited at 600℃.At 1200℃, the residual strengh would achieve the highest point. The residual strength of fly-ash lightweight aggregate concrete after ignition would be the highest at 200℃,lose at 600℃,and lose completely at 800℃.Compared with nomal fly-ashlight weight aggregate concrete had better anti-separatingapability, and better fire resisting capability when the strengthas almost equal to that of nomal concrete.