


本研究主要目的,乃針對單面鋼製門與雙面鋼製門,探討不同內骨架構造形式、有無內填充材料、不同加熱試驗方向等條件對門板背面溫度、門板背後環境輻射熱量、門板變形量等防火門之高溫行為的影響。試驗依CNS 11227 A3223 之標準昇溫曲線加熱,分析結果得知,單面鋼製門內骨架構造形式與試驗加熱方向對門板背面溫度、門板背後環境輻射熱量與門板變形量影響很小。雙面鋼製門內骨架構造形式與試驗加熱方向對於門板背面溫度與門板背後環境輻射熱量影響很小,但造成門板變形量差異很大。單面鋼製門之門板背面溫度與門板背後環境輻射熱量皆較雙面鋼製門大,而單面鋼製門之門板變形量較雙面鋼製門小。利用輻射熱傳計算原理,以門板背後環境溫度可合理預估門板背後環境輻射熱量。


The thesis aims at studying three fire door assess mentparamenters, given as door backside surface temperature, irradiance and distortions at specified locations for one-plate steel fire door with specified structural framework and different heating surface respectively. The test program adopted CNS 11227 A3223 testing method as the one for conducting test. From the results obtained, the performance parameters of fire door on both sides and different structural arrangements being tested showed little differences. In contrast, among those parameters of dual-plate door test distortion values show a relativiely strong dependency on structural framework arrangement and chosen side to be heated. It was shown that irradiance and backside surface temperature of dual-plaste door experiment were larger than one-plate door' s case. A simple thermal model in predicting the irradiance was established and show an remarkable results compared with the experiment.