In this research ,the variation of porosity of different sprayed fire-resistive materials are studied to understand how the porosity affect the fire-resistive performance by using small sample (15×15×6 ㎝) exposed duration of high temperature tests and bench scale (45×45×6㎝) one dimension fire-resistive tests. Test results show that the curing relative humility affects water content, delay time and the fire rating of sprayed fire resistive materials. The total porosity increase following the increase of water content and temperature. In the duration of heating fire-resistive material would lose humility at high temperature and become more porous, so the total porosity increase, accordingly. Thus, the fire rating and delay time increase by the addition of water content and the total porosity. At normal temperature and high temperature, the close pore show irregular and much variable, which is formed at random during about 10μm~100μm. According to the porosity measurement, the more increased the small pore and pore volume exist in the interior of material, material has the longer fire rating. And hence, the fire-rating and the porosity have positive relation.