


本研究針對騎樓周遭機車火災行為,經由機車規格與 火源位置比較試驗和實際現況調查結果,設定機車火源位置、擺放方式、機車數量等條件,於騎樓空間無裝修之最單純建築條件下進行全尺寸實體火災試驗,量測騎樓火災形成之火焰行為及受害建築周遭之溫度與輻射分佈狀況,並利用單輛機車推估之火焰高度與試驗觀測值作一比較。試驗結果顯示,火災形成之火焰高度均超過5m,易與二樓開口產生接焰或輻射燃燒。而任一種擺放條件形成之火災,騎樓各部之受害溫度與輻射都遠超過木質材料引燃界線260℃與1W/ cm2,勢必造成延燒擴大。而從單輛機車 熱釋放率推估多輛機車火焰高度結果發現,以Delichatsios理論推估最接近試驗值,可供日後相關火災模式參考。


This experiment study discusses the fire behavior of  motorcycles in the building arcade. Series full-scale fire tests are conducted under a non-finished building arcade condition. The height of flame is measured and compared with the value, which is estimated from the HRR. Heat flux and  temperature profiles are also measured to understand the heating mechanism of building arcade. It is found that maximum flame height of the motorcycles fire in all tests exceed 5 m. The exposure fire will spread to 2nd floor through the opening of facade, because both of radiation and temperature exceed the critical limit of ignition. It further shows that when the motorcycle fire happens in front of the arcade, the building facade has more serious damage. And the motorcycles fire in the arcade makes surrounding of it floor more dangerous. An attempt is also made in predicting the flame height from the heat release rate of motorcycle. The results predicted by using Delichatsions equation show a good agreement with the observation.