

Analysis and Investigation of the Spatial Elements of Tourist Night Markets in Taipei City




American museum period , Tourist Night Markets, Spatial Element, Spatial Type



「夜市」,深植於台灣的文化、民生、娛樂和觀光。隨著對都市空間品質與觀光國際化的要求,1986年起,政府開始對大城市中的夜市空間,執行機能提升與空間規劃,成為所謂的「觀光夜市」。 然而,對於「觀光夜市」的改造,並非均展現正向的作用。夜市空間的形成,與空間的有機性和形成背景相關連,因此,了解夜市本身的空間樣態,為十分重要的一環。本研究,以台北市的夜市空間,為分析對象。將六個屬性不同、較受歡迎的案例夜市:士林夜市、萬華夜市、饒河夜市、寧夏夜市、南機場夜市與師大商圈作為基礎。從夜市市街空間的現況與歷史背景,加以分析及探究,找出夜市空間的共同元素,以及影響空間元素組成之因素與形成類型。 藉由以上,對於夜市市街空間的分析與探討,呈現台灣都市中,極具特色的夜市商業空間。並期望此研究,能成為日後有助於了解台灣夜市空間組成的參考資料之一。




Night markets providing daily necessities, entertainment and tourism functions are deeply ingrained in Taiwanese culture. In 1986, in response to demands for urban space quality improvement and tourism internationalization, the government began to implement function enhancement and spatial planning projects in the night market spaces of large cities to make the traditional night markets into tourist night markets. However, the transformation of traditional night markets into tourist night markets has not always proven to be a positive move. The formation of a night market space is correlated with the organic patterns of its location and background. Therefore, it is essential to understand the spatial patterns of the night markets. This study focused on investigating six popular night market spaces with distinct attributes in Taipei City , namely Shilin Night Market, Wanhua Night Market, Raohe Night Market, Ningxia Night Market, Nanjichang Night Market, and Shida Shopping District. Moreover, this study analyzed the current states and historical backgrounds of the night market street spaces to identify the common elements of such night market spaces and to explore the factors and the types that influence the composition of these elements. The aforementioned analysis and discussion on the street space of night markets display a highly unique night market commercial space in Taiwanese cities. This study is expected to serve as a reference for understanding the spatial composition of Taiwanese night markets.