格林兄弟(Greene & Greene)



       查理(Greene,Charles Sumner)          亨利(Greene,Henry Mather)


查理:西元1868.10.12-西元1957.6.11。亨利:西元1870.1.23-西元1954.10.2。以設計並形成加利福尼亞州地方風格而著稱的建築師。兩人同在麻省理工學院學習,1891年肄業離校。1893年移居加州帕沙第納(Pasadena),1894年兩人在此建立事務所。他們受學院派折衷主義的影響,採用各種風格的設計形式,不斷探索更為簡潔且適合加州南部的建築形式。最後設計出一種單層住宅,其室內外空間互相貫通,使人感到與自然接近。並注重採用當地材料和技術。最傑出的設計之一是贈送給南加利福尼亞大學建築和美術學院的甘博住宅(Gamble House,1908),此建築在查理.格林百年誕辰時改為格林兄弟紀念圖書館。1911年後,他們設計過一些哥德復興式的建築。1952年兄弟二人都受到美國建築師學會的嘉獎。


Blacker House

         Pasadena, California, 1907

D. L. James House

           Carmel Highlands, California, 1918

Gamble House

           Pasadena, California, 1909

N. Bentz House

           Santa Barbara, California, 1911



                                        甘博之家(The Gamble House)


The David B. Gamble house, constructed in 1908, is the internationally recognized masterpiece of the turn-of-the-century Arts and Crafts Movement in America. Built for David and Mary Gamble of The Procter and Gamble Company, the house is the most complete and best preserved example of the work of architects Charles Sumner Greene and Henry Mather Greene, who made a profound impact on the development of contemporary American architecture.

大衛 B. 甘博之家,建造於1908年,為百年不朽的國際性知名的名作在美國的Arts and Crafts Movement中,為The Procter and Gamble Company的大衛和瑪麗甘博所建造,這棟房子是建築師格林兄弟的作品中最完整且保存最完善的,他們也對當代的美國建築學發展造成了強烈的衝擊。

Greene and Greene broke sharply from the academic traditions of their time, using nature as a guide rather than the dictates of popular historical styles. The design of The Gamble House, while in part inspired by the wood-building vernacular traditions of such cultures as the Swiss and the Japanese, is a unique statement drawn from the life and character of Southern California. Wide terraces and open sleeping porches facilitate indoor-outdoor living, careful siting and cross-ventilation capture the cool breezes of the nearby Arroyo, and broad, overhanging eaves shelter the house from the hot California sun. Wood is celebrated in the Greenes' use of articulated joinery, exposed structural timbers and shingles which blend sensitively with the landscape.


In The Gamble House, furniture, built-in cabinetry, paneling, wood carvings, rugs, lighting, leaded stained glass, accessories and landscaping are all custom-designed by the architects, in the true hand-crafted spirit of the Arts and Crafts Movement. No detail was overlooked - every peg, oak wedge, downspout, air vent, hardware and switchplate is a contributing part of the single design statement and harmonious living environment. The house is a symphony in wood, with interiors carried out in teak, maple, Port Orford cedar, redwood and oak; each piece artfully selected and hand-rubbed to a satin finish. Iridescent glass adorns doors, windows and light fixtures which change color as the day passes and diffuse subtle patterns of light throughout.

在甘博之家裡,傢俱,嵌入的細工傢俱,嵌版,木頭雕刻,毛皮地毯,照明,行間空格特別大的有色的玻璃,附加物件和景觀美化都是建築師設計的慣例,在真正的手工藝Arts and Crafts Movement的精神裡,沒有一個細部是細看的-每一個栓,橡木楔子,水落管,排氣孔,五金器具和電閘開關等是貢獻單一的設計說明的部分和和諧的生活環境,這房子是杉木的交響樂,偕同內部的完成以柚木,楓樹,Port Orford西洋杉,紅杉和橡木﹔每一塊熟練地挑選與手工藝到一個緞的完成,彩虹色的玻璃裝飾門,窗戶和採光設備因時間的經過會改變顏色與擴散遍佈光線呈現微妙花樣。

In an era of high technology, the unique and painstaking handcraftsmanship exhibited at The Gamble House demonstrates design and construction principles respectful of nature which acknowledge the continued significance of pride and human spirit in the art of building.





