雙聯碩士學位計畫 校名:佛羅里達大學 University of Florida (UF),美國


校名:佛羅里達大學 University of Florida (UF),美國

合作內容:雙聯碩士學位計畫,修畢並滿足二校畢業規定者,可分別獲得本校碩士學位及UF碩士學位 (Master of Science in Architectural Studies with a concentration in Sustainable Design)



UF:The College of Design, Construction and Planning


  1. 本校建築系碩士班學生
  2. 母語非英語者,需備英語測驗成績證明 (以下擇一):
    1. IELTS: 6
    2. TOEFL (Internet version): 80
  3. 最近期GRE測驗成績
    1. GRE Verbal: 140
    2. GRE Total: 300
  4. 在本校歷年學業成績單
  5. A statement of purpose
  6. 3 Letters of recommendations from professors and supervisors


  1. 本校建築系碩士班學生,在校修讀滿一年後,於第二年赴UF修業一年,滿足UF畢業資格後取得該校碩士學位(Master of Science in Architectural Studies with a concentration in Sustainable Design),後返回本校完成相關論文口試等程序,滿足本校畢業條件後,取得本校碩士學位。
  2. 在本校修得之學分,經美國核可,可予以抵免該課程部分學分。
  3. 在UF修業期間,須遵從對方修課等相關規定,以下為其課程內容要求:
The Curriculum
Total of 36 credit hours are required with 24 credit hours of required courses, 6 credit hours of elective courses and 6 credit hours of thesis, or Masters Research Project (MRP).
First Fall Semester
International Sustainable Development 4 CR
Sustainable Design Problem Solving 4 CR
Ecological Issues in Sustainability 1 3 CR
Research Methods 2 CR
13 CR
Second Spring Semester
Ecological Issues in Sustainability 2 3 CR
Masters Research Project/Thesis Proposal Development 2 CR
Sustainable Design Studio 6 CR
Elective 3 CR
14 CR
Third Summer Semester
Master Research Project (MRP) /Thesis* 6 CR
Elective 3 CR
9 CR
Total Required Credit Hours 36 CR
All courses in the College are web assisted. This means that each course has a specific website assigned to it where faculty place course syllabus, reading material, assignments and assessments as well as lectures for review and other course material.
Selected Elective courses (electives may vary by semester/year):
Survey Plan Info System (Introduction to GIS) 3 CR
International Development Planning and Development 3 CR
Sustainable Urbanism in Europe 3 CR
Greening Existing Buildings (web-assisted course) 3 CR
Any graduate courses offered in the college** various CR
Total Elective Credit Hours 6 CR
* A thesis or Masters Research Project (MRP) in lieu of thesis is required for the MSD. Students will work with individual faculty on their thesis. A thesis committee of at least two faculty members from the College of Design, Construction and Planning at the University of Florida should be formed by the end of second semester.
** Selection of other graduate courses must be first approved by the Master of Sustainability Design program faculty and the course instructor.


  • 於UF求學之相關費用 (如學雜費、保險費、International field trip in the spring semester、交通費等) 由同學依UF規定,逕行繳付予UF。
  • UF有提供本雙聯學制計畫之學生獎學金,2024學年UF學費為 USD$30,134 (未計獎學金),



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