建築系莊亦婷教授所指導的Takanori Kodama與聖威力Guillermo San Vicente參加由大方廣人文美學協會舉辦之福德祠競圖榮獲第5名佳績與入圍之肯定!

本次由大方廣人文美學協會舉辦之福德祠競圖活動約有來自九個國家307件作品,分三個階段進行,共18件作品通過初選,其中由本系莊亦婷教授所指導的Takanori Kodama+李峻霖建築師的組合獲得第五名的佳績,並由聖威力Guillermo San Vicente+陳亮碩建築師的組合獲得佳作肯定。本次活動評審計有(依姓氏筆劃排列)王俊雄、汪荷清、林芳慧、陳永興、劉克襄、劉舜仁與國際知名建築師團 紀彥 Norihiko Dan。




【參賽作者】:Takanori Kodama



【作品名稱】:福德 埕


I think that there are many people who have faith in Taiwan. And, I think that they are using the temple as a community space. So, I think that God and the people and the region leads in this temple by making a shrine such as hills raising from the ground and making a roof such as waves fluttered in the wind that wraps all.

【參賽作者】:聖威力Guillermo San Vicente



【作品名稱】:Tempo Temple


The Taichung Gateway Park is the new development of the city for stimulating high tech facilities. Tempo Temple is located in the southern park of this masterplan, located at one of the lots of the old Taichung airport. Dedicated to the Lord of Land – Tudigong 土地公 – , the temple purposes a multifunctional urban space as well as a traditional religious space. The challenge of the project was  creating an innovative design, assuming contemporary issues such as ecology, community feeling and temporality, while respecting FengShui and religious events and traditions.

Standing at an trapezoidal lot, the project responds to the duality of the landscape. The temple is surrounded not only by recently built high-tech builds but also by traditional houses. Internally the main building, the main activity field and main gate are organized around a symmetrical main axis.  Adapting to the trapezoidal shape of the lot, secondary activity fields are non-symmetrically disposed to maximize the utilization of space. Secondary buildings are disposed, following Feng Shui precepts.

Careful consideration has given to the design of the particular functioning of the temple and its temporality. In order to respond the design to these two concepts, a special farm+harvest+fallow system has been purposed: Crops are grown in the activity fields by the community as a tribute to the god, increasing the sense of the belonging to the temple, while producing environmentally-friendly self-made offerings. Fallow times – periods, when the activity fields are not farmed, are designed to coincide with the main celebrations. Activity fields can be covered by honey-comb panels and temporal bamboo canopies can be installed easily by the community. The bamboo canopies shelters the many events and celebrations of this temple.