對LEED GA考試好奇嗎?想知道如何取得LEED GA維護時數嗎?你最近才通過LEED考試並願意與大家分享考試經驗嗎?Are you curious about the LEED GA exam? Are you interested in earning your LEED GA credential? Have you recently passed the exam and would like to share your experience?
LEED GA 考試入門 / LEED Green Associate Intro Class
Register Online: http://www.seedtw.org/event-1913714
主辦單位 / Sponsored by:
本課程內容包含取得LEED GA證照所需之基本知識。以LEEDv4為核心,介紹LEED GA考試各章節組成以及應考策略等。提供對綠建築領域有興趣及欲應考LEED GA者一交流平台。
Description: This course will introduce the LEED Green Associate Exam covering Core Concepts, Exam Tips, and Practice Questions, based on LEED v4 material.
Prerequisite: None. This is a first level introductory course.
研討會議程 | Agenda |
18:30-19:00 | 報到 | Reception |
19:00-19:10 | 貴賓致詞 | Opening Speech |
19:15-19:30 | LEEDv4及考試趨勢 | LEEDv4 & Tendencies of LEED Exam |
19:30-20:00 | LEED GA 考試簡介I 台北科技大學, 陳昶瑞 助理教授, LEED AP BD+C |
LEED GA Intro I Taipei Tech, Calvin Chen, Assistant Professor, LEED AP BD+C |
20:00-20:10 | 休息時間 | Break |
20:10-20:40 | LEED GA 考試簡介II SGS台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司, 廖治凱 專案經理, LEED AP BD+C, RMP, CBCP |
LEED GA Intro II SGS Industrial Service Philip Liao, Project Manager, LEED AP BD+C, RMP, CBCP |
20:40-21:00 | 考試經驗分享 | Sharing Session |
21:00 | 問與答 | Q & A |
简体中文 Simplified Chinese LEED GA Candidate Handbook
Study Guides: It is strongly suggested that students have access to the LEED Green Associate Study Guide, available for FREE online at: English LEED GA Candidate Handbook
Exam Cost: Register on your own and schedule the Exam at www.usgbc.org. Exam is 2 hours, 100 questions. Fees for Exam Registration, $6,200 NT ($200 USD) and up.
地點:國立台灣科技大學建築系RB809, 台北市大安區基隆路4段43號
Class Location:
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Department of Architecture
Research Building #809
43 Keelung Rd, Sec. 4, DaAn District Taipei, 10607