【競賽名稱】: iF Design Talent Award 2019_02
【主辦單位】: iF Design Foundation, Germany
First awarded in 1953, the iF DESIGN AWARD is the oldest independent design seal in the world. It is a symbol of outstanding design achievements that focuses on the innovative power of design. Every year, companies, designers, agencies and architects put themselves to the test by entering the iF DESIGN AWARD and appreciate its high value – not least as an established marketing instrument for excellent work and performance. The latest trends, innovation and uniqueness are reflected in the awarded submissions in the following disciplines: Product, Packaging, Communication, Interior Architecture, Professional Concept, Service Design and Architecture. Take part in this year’s competition und make use of the iF DESIGN AWARD as an excellent image booster!
獲得名次:IF Design Talent Award – Winner
ORBIT locates co-working system in global airports for those business commuters. It is a clustering and incubation platform that breaks through traditional work style. It also knows that people are more inseparable from work and life, and they care more about space to create high quality of work. Working at airport through ORBIT not only save time from commute, but also allow nowadays co-working and sharing lifestyle. Design building supports to provide variation of individual or group spatial arrangement. We try to encourage better work style in response to increasing of transnational working population with re-purposing of unused space.
ORBIT為經常往來機場的商務通勤者提供一個共享辦公空間系統。基於交通革新縮短國際距離,使得跨國工作者日益漸增,ORBIT是一設置於機場內的群聚平台,為飛航通勤者創造出高質量與效率的工作環境。透過ORBIT,商務通勤者在機場工作不僅可以降低延誤成本,還可以共享資源、與他人協作和分享多元的生活方式。此案設計出模組化的支撐系統,多元的空間佈局變化,讓施工者易拆卸、自由組構,適應於不同情境;使用者能夠下載ORBIT APP可即時搜尋,預訂個人或者群體會議用的共享空間。