建築系彭雲宏教授 指導博士班學生陳明遠與TaiKong科技合作研發AZOO 4 in1水族箱活性濾材產品 參加「2016德國紅點產品設計大獎競賽」榮獲 德國Reddot Award Product Design 2016 honurable mention

建築系彭雲宏教授指導博士班學生陳明遠與TaiKong科技合作共同研發AZOO 4 in1水族箱活性濾材產品,榮獲得德國2016 Red Dot Product Design Award及該產品已完成商品化,並進入全球水族市場銷售。

【競賽名稱】2016 Red Dot Product Design Award

【獎項】:Reddot Award Product Design 2016 honurable mention


【學生】: 陳明遠

【作品名稱】:AZOO 4 in1水族箱活性濾材產品



AZOO 4 in1水族箱濾材能夠同時用於淡水和海水水族箱。濾材表面積為一般陶瓷生物環的400倍,利用生物膜容易脫落促進微生物的代謝,AZOO 4 in1濾材為環保可回收材料。AZOO 4 in1濾材產生的銀離子具有抗菌性能,不會誘導病源產生抗藥性。負離子可有效中和病原與自由基,達到抗菌、除臭與淨化水質的目的。遠紅外線有改善水的質量、活化生物細胞。鈣、鎂離子濾材可補充水中生物之營養及平衡水的酸鹼值。

AZOO Active Filter 4 in 1  Aquarium Filter

The AZOO Active Filter 4 in 1 can be used for both fresh- and saltwater aquariums. Its surface is highly effective. The bio-membrane improves the metabolism of beneficial bacteria and is also recyclable. The ionic silver has antibacterial properties, while the far-infrared active filter improves the water quality and ionic filtration removes or neutralises suspended matter, including free radicals and pathogens, for the benefit of the fish.