2019 德國DGNB國際永續建築顧問證照教育訓練與考試 2019 DGNB Consultant Licensing Training and Exam

  • DGNB System


In 2009 the DGNB System was developed. The certification system offers a planning and optimisation tool for evaluating sustainable buildings and urban districts. It was developed to help organisations enhance the tangible sustainability of construction projects. The DGNB System is based on the concept of holistic sustainability, placing equal emphasis on the environment, people and commercial viability. It is used worldwide and is considered the most advanced of its kind. With methods such as the life cycle assessment, DGNB remains a pioneer among global certification systems.

  • 教育訓練/ Training Course

鑑於DGNB國際永續建築指標之完整性與前瞻性,本校江維華副校長特別邀請DGNB Academy來本校進行教育訓練與證照考試,並期未來能於本校建立DGNB系統在台教育認證中心。



2.為本校研究所學生者需具有永續相關學士學位 (如:建築、都計、景觀、營建、土木、能源管理、環工等相關科系)

3.為本校大學部學生者需修讀過 環境控制(1)與建築環境控制(2) 課程

Admission requirement,

1. Teachers in NTUST; or

2. Graduate students in NTUST who hold a bachelor degree in Architecture, Urban Planning, Landscape Design, Civil Engineering, Construction Management, Environmental Engineering, Energy Management or any relevant discipline; or

3. Undergraduate students in NTUST who have completed the courses of  “Environmental Control System (1) “and Environmental Control System (2)”.

日期: 108年7月2日-108年7月4日

時間: 上午九點至下午六點

地點: 臺灣科技大學 教室待確認(將另行通知)

聯絡人: 許皓香 老師 /校內分機1132/ S.H@mail.ntust.edu.tw

Date: 2 July- 4 July, 2019

Time: 09:30~18:00

Location: NTUST (will inform the classroom number by email)

Contact: Assistant Prof. Shine Hsu / 02-2730 1132 /S.H@mail.ntust.edu.tw

  • 課程表 / Schedule


The training will be taught in English

  • 報名/ Registration


Only for teachers and students in NTUST
