建築系李美慧老師指導 Phan Thi Bich Lien 同學與 Febriangyah 同學參加「日本Exto Series-創意五金陳列競賽」分別獲得金獎與佳作
作品名稱: Festivals–Christmas
得獎者: Phan Thi Bich Lien
Christmas Day is an commemoration of Jesus Christ’s birthday as well as one of the most important festivals. The customs in this day include gift giving, card exchange, church celebrations and the display of various Christmas decorations is the good chance for our wall exhibition.
This design is inspirited by a children’s game named: “Hand-cord”. In this game, children play with a round cord, use their fingers to make a lot of shapes. The flexibility, fluid and undefined shape of rope net always evokes the curiousness and interest for children. This feeling is very near with an excitement when the Christmas comes. Therefore , this decorated wall with the topic of Christmas combines the rope net into it surface to attract children and visitors.
This decorated wall ¬¬will have two layers on the surface :
- LAYER 1 ( Inside) : The system of glass self to put the objects that will be exhibited.
- LAYER 2 (Outside) : The mask of rope or cord that will be a decoration as well as wire surface to hanging things.
There are 2 main advantages for this concept : Economic & Convenience.
- ECONOMIC : All hangers in this design are very simple and available
so it can save a lot of money. The materials are only glass and rope. Depend on a theme chosen, each wall will have color of glass and rope suitable. The rope will be tied directly with the hangall tools , not only to hang object but also to decorate. Both 2 kinds of materials are very cheap and easily to find. - CONVENIENCE : The rule and structure of this design are very flexible so each wall can be changed quickly. Just only by change the position of connecting point, a new shape of tied rope will be created. It is also very convenient to install and move wall from one place to another place. Therefore, using this design concept ,we can create a variety of wall sample.
作品名稱: Transformation Form(Collection of flower)
得獎者: Febriangyah
The first idea from green concept and simple collection of flowers. How is to made this concept? The concept stars from rectangle idea that is transformed to a new form using geometric media, a hint to pierce preliminary rectangle module. The rectangle is used to combine with geometric form that is transformed to a new form.
The rectangle is finished in Three Dimension by making holes or losing unused part using. After having cut in each quadrangle, then the rectangle will form two new modules like mould.
This new module will be combined with a module that was required in the contest by bolting in each module. This module will further be gathered by bolting in each rectangle. This new module is made by acrylic in order to ease the cutting.
The alternative one uses three colors, white as background, green on the pattern of voronoi and red as vocal point to highlight the level of it thickness are different.
The alternative of two, white as neutral color are also used the background so the green is more prominent on the voronoi module.