施宣光 教授 ‧瑞士聯邦理工學院建築博士
- 電腦輔助建築設計
- 建築設計資訊處理
- 設計理論
- 人工智慧
- 互動設計
- 電腦在建築上的應用
- 建築設計
- 建築設計方法論
- 建築設計資訊處理
- Juan Y.K., Shih S.G., Perng Y.H. (2006). Decision support for housing customization: A hybrid approach using case ‐based reasoning and genetic algorithm. Expert Systems with Applications, 31(1), 83‐93. (SCI)
- Shih S.G., Hu T.P. and Chen C.N. (2006). A game-theory-based approach to the analysis of cooperative learning in design studios, Design Studies Vol 27 No. 6 November (SCI expanded)
- Huang, D.L. and Shih, S.G.(2005), Decision support for housing customization: A hybrid approach using case-based reasoning and genetic algorithm., Proceedings of CAADRIA’2005
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